Friday, February 3, 2012

old to new- de clutter

Do (it won't be done by itself... you gotta get your behind up and DO)
Eliminate things you do not need (you might want to look into what need means and learn to differentiate     between needs and wants before doing this.)

Cut your belongings by a fraction (1/8, 1/4, 1/2-- My magic fraction seems to be 1/2. I cut my clothing down to half, my pictures down to half, nail polishes, books... you name it. Feels so good and liberating!)
Lose the things that make you sad or bring negative energy to your life (if there are negative feelings or energy or you really just don't like it all that much, why the hell would you keep it? Donate it to someone else)
Use your space wisely (make sure you only keep things that you absolutely love or make you feel good about yourself)
Take your time to do this (nobody's rushing you... just make sure you do SOMETHING)
Time is not of the essence, but determination is (once you make your piles of "not to keep" things, get rid of them... don't put them in the attic, or the closet, or the garage... get RID of them)
Evade the "what ifs" and the "I'll use it later" (really? My mom went ah! when I told her I got rid of her trampoline. Really mom? She's like: I was just telling your cousin I'm gonna use it. TOO BAD! Been there for over 3 years, untouched! I'm sure you'll live!!!! She just laughed cause she knew it was nothing but the truth. Be true to yourself and if that shit's been sitting there for 3 years, get rid of it!!!)
Reduction is key. I'm not suggesting you take as drastic a step I've taken on getting rid of things. However, when you let go of all the old and bad, you are making room for all new and good things to come into your life. :)

One of my favorite sayings has always been: "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" ∼ Albert Einstein

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