Friday, March 9, 2012

Visualyzing your goals...

It may seem silly to some of you when people tell you that you have to see yourself where you want to be in order to get there. I always thought it was kind of silly to tell you the truth, but went with the flow anyway. 
I had always, always wanted to see and play with snow. Make a snow angel (nothing to do with my ex, for crying out loud), a snowman, put a carrot on it's face... the works! You know, the kind of stuff you do when you grow up around snow and take for granted. Not judging, we take for granted being able to make sand castles in the caribbean. So back in 2009, I decided to start a "possibilities" book. Yes, like the one Queen Latifah has in the movie "Last Holiday" (very cute movie). My first page was:

Granted, it took me until my last visit to Phoenix (thanks, Lori) to be able to see snow, play with it and do all the crazies I had thought of. Flagstaff was beautiful and snow was everything I always imagined it would have been. I'm sure living in it wouldn't be as fun, since it gets all muddy. But to me, it was PERFECT. Let it snow, check. 
My second page on my possibilities book was nothing but Italy. Oh, Italy.... So it took me longer than projected, who cares!? The important thing here is that it was accomplished. 
I'm gonna share with you something that I consider personal... and yes, you might think it's a little crazy, but.... I'll elaborate a little afterwards...

Okay, so these were my goals about two years ago. I did tell you I went with the whole visualization thing though I thought it was silly. Here's what has happened since: 

1. I became a flight attendant. I had no idea the girl and the suitcase meant that exactly, but I knew I wanted to travel. CHECK. 
2. I've been to St. Maarten, Salt Lake City, Utah, Maine, and other places I never thought I'd visit. Many places to visit, CHECK and still counting.... 
3. Nice hotels, CHECK.
4. New friends that I could be like Sex and the City with.... LMAO! Check!

I'm still working on the cruise, the husband, and possibly kids. I also have to get my behind back to writing... BUT my whole point is, visualization works!
So, I'm not telling you to go crazy printing out what you want and spending time making a poster like I did. I admit that was a little too much, but in my defense, I'm a visual learner so I need visuals. To each it's own. You could simply pick up a napkin and a pen and jot them down. But make sure you keep it with you. Your subconscious will be working on getting you to achieve your goals. Try it. There's nothing to lose and theres lots to gain from it. 
Til my next post. 


  1. I fucking love it!! And making this book is not to much at all...

    And making blogs is cool too. I might start doing that. I have to much in my head, that needs to come out!! So why not write it down ;-)

    Keep up making your dreams come true!!

    Hugs and kisses

  2. Wow, inspiring! I have always believed on visualization towards goals and I know it works, however, I guess I never take it too seriously as I may have wrote it down, forgot about it, and most likely through it out. Lol... But you really inspires me and I can wait to get into it! As you said, nothing to loose!

    Love you daughter,


  3. Very nice post, Omayra! I believe in visualization and actually made a board a while back. Mine had more words than pictures, though. A lot about change and making my own choices, empowering myself... I feel I've regained a lot of myself (still ways to go) since making that board so yes, it works! Like you say, even if it takes a while your subconscious works on it and eventually you get there.

    I'm so glad to see you make your dreams come true! Keep on dreaming, but most importantly, keep on living those dreams!

